What's New

This is the new BB Database!

  • This site will be maintained & actually managed.
  • This site will be cleaner, and provide higher quality links.
  • Indian/waste of time links will not be allowed.
  • Video games will be a new category.
  • Comments will be allowed on listings. (to help or correct inaccurate info)
  • A voting system will eventually help self-manage poor quality links.
  • New ideas & improvements are open to suggestion. (email us at dfg3037@gmail.com)

In additional to all the new changes on this site, it will be a work in progress. Certain fetaures have not been added in yet, but they will in time. (so don't worry) For now, we will all have to be patient until this site get built up, and stocked with more quality links. But in the long-run, it should be a better fit for what we all want.

Yours Truly,